Lower Back & Knee Pain or backache is the pain felt in the back that may originate from muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine.
Lower Back & Knee Pain is one of the most common medical problems experienced by most people at some time in their life. It can be acute, usually lasting from a few days to a few weeks, or chronic pain, lasting for more than three months.
Lower Back & Knee Pain can occur as a dull constant pain or a sudden sharp pain.
Lower Back & Knee Pain may be confined to one area or may radiate to other areas such as the arm and hand, the upper back, or the lower back, and might radiate into the leg or foot.
Other than pain you may have weakness, numbness or tingling in your arms or legs caused from damage to the spinal cord.
Athletes participating in sports such as skiing, basketball, football, ice skating, soccer, running, golf or tennis are at greater risk of developing Lower Back & Knee Pain.
During these sports activities, the spine needs to bear more stress, take up more pressure, undergo twisting and turning, as well as bodily impact. This may cause strain on the back that can result in Lower Back & Knee Pain.
Athletes are at high risk of Lower Back & Knee Pain both from trauma and from overuse injuries, especially in sports requiring hyperextension.
Common causes of Lower Back & Knee Pain in athletes include:
Other causes include growth-related problems such as scoliosis and Scheuermann's kyphosis.
Your physician will diagnose Lower Back & Knee Pain by asking appropriate questions or by taking a history of your problem and examining your spine.
A complete examination includes
Other diagnostic tests may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment for Lower Back & Knee Pain is usually non-surgical and includes:
These measures help to relieve your Lower Back & Knee Pain, however, in certain conditions the pain may not be resolved and may require surgical treatment.
Your podiatrist will decide on the appropriate surgery based on several factors.
Carrying a heavy load repetitiously on one side of the body is a common cause of low back pain. Take care when lifting...anything.
Lift with the knees bent and back straight. When playing sports or exercising, don't overdo it. Little and often is better. And remember to sit up straight and stand tall.
Poor posture is a killer, especially at work when the 'Oomph' has gone out of the day (which for some can even be before lunch).
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